
By SomeGuyInNJ

Strike a pose

Got a few deer shot this evening. It was 7pm and the light was fading fast but I got a few in before they wandered off into the long grass for... err... whatever it is they do in there...

I liked the way the deer curved its head back on the other side of itself in this shot... Looked such a contrived kind of pose. also large

Lower light means higher ISO, but I love the way the newer dslrs handle the higher ISO. Especially if you do a little noise reduction with you editing software later.

I have spent way too much time overthinking whch of the deer shots to use tonight. After a while I tihnk you kind of go numb to it, I think perhaps picking out the best shot from a set is best not done right away, I think coming back to them on a later day allows you to choose based on the actual image on the screen not a combined impression of the real scene, your intentions and a bit of the actual image that are all in your head the evening you have taken the shots.

- Mother and child?
-You just eat your dinner...
-Meep Meep!... Well for some reason it reminded me of that anyways :-)

Yesterday at the birthday party we took Little Big Girl to the birthday girls mom did not have a camera charged/with her so asked me to get some shots for her. The light was awful as the party was in a walkout basement so there was only one big square of harsh light coming through the patio doors. I editied a bunch of photos from the raw files instead of giving her the jpegs off the camera and was pleased to discover just how much better you can do from the raw files in low light situations. I emailed them to the birthday girls mom last night and got an email back today that started with "OMG. These are beautiful pictures. Thank you so so much.". Its good to get positive feedback.

As has already been established, I can be nauseatingly a little self critical at times. I am finding that as my equipment has improved getting the dslr and lenses that my tendancy expect and judge myself seem to move just as fast or faster than the improved equipment and skills (this effect is exagerated by winters lousy light and opportunities for photography). So getting positive feedback from an independent person where expectations were exceeded is good... unless she was shocked because they were okay and she thought that I'd get crap shots... :-) just kidding dont shout at me Juliana!!

The stomach bug that had Little Monster up all thursday night vomiting made my wife behave likewise last night. Seems odd that me and the Little Big Girl havent got it yet, its usually me that gets the stomach related things and my wife doesnt. Its especially unusual as I was the one that got sparayed in the most vomit thursday night... though it was my wife that loaded the dirty bedhseeys and pyjamas into the washer while I was comforting the little monster... thats possibily why. I'm thinking my turn maybe coming though...

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