Occasionally Focused

By tsuken

The Best Book in the World

"The best laid schemes o' Mice an' Men,
Gang aft agley,
An' lea'e us nought but grief an' pain,
For promis'd joy!"

- Robert Burns: To a Mouse (Poem, November 1785)

Today I had a plan. I had a plan for a photo about planning. I planned it out, and in my plan it looked good. So I got it together, and organised a helper, grabbed my camera ... and found my SD card was not in the camera - I had left it at home in my SD card reader.

My irony meter asploded ...

The Lumix doesn't appear to have any internal memory either, so no photo could be taken. :(

I then had another idea, to illustrate how the best-laid plans gang aft agley (go awry, even) - but it required the co-operation of Miss 5, and despite my request over the phone, when I arrived home there were no drawings of mice, or of men. ;-)

However, this book did arrive today. Something reminded me of it a while back, but I couldn't remember it. All I knew was that I adored it as a child, and it had dinosaurs stomping roads and letting grass and plants grow again to take over a world polluted and destroyed by humans.

From that, my wonderful wife managed to find it, and it arrived today from the Book Depository. :-D And I am very happy to report that Miss 5 seems to love it.

Seriously, it is one of the best books ever; it's up there with the Lorax, and Bad Jelly the Witch. 8)

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