Jess & Molly Law

By jml

Guard Dog

Isn't it nice to know that we can sleep easy at night? Our guard dogs, having slept all day, will (of course) be alert all night, ready to repel boarders!

Just to let you know how fierce our protectors are:

While we were away on holiday, the roof needed some repairs. A builder said he would come as soon as possible, and we left a key with neighbours. In fact, he still had not been to the house when we got back from our cruise (now, there's a surprise!)

A few days later we were out, leaving Jess & Molly in charge. It was a fine, sunny day and we left them in the garden with the gates locked. This, naturally, was when the builder came. He did not ask the neighbours for the key, he just climbed over the gate.

What did our trusty guardians do? The ignored him, that's what! And he was lucky not to be licked to death!!

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