Your mission should you choose to accept it...

That is as close to the seagulls as I was willing to get... I find them quite scary, really...

I'd like to think that they were discussing plans of world domination or something...

Today is my dad's birthday. 70! I'm sure he would not mind me disclosing his age...

I wanted to send him some sort of message by blipping something he might like to paint.

In absence of mountains, his purest love, I settle for the harbour, as it is his favourite place to go to paint and sketch when he visits.

My dad is a really quiet man. He is gentle and caring and has an impish sense of humour. He always gets away with it, though, as he is so witty that you can't help but laugh, even if you are his target...

He always listens and never volunteers advice. If pressed he always asked before speaking his mind: "Do you really want to know what I think?"

I usually say "no", his question acting as a warning. But on the few occasions I am too stubborn to let go, he will tell me, gently and kindly that I am wrong, but that he still loves me....

so Happy Birthday dad!

I might even pass him the link so he can read this...

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