all secret now

There must and shall be slight reconfiguration of the working day this week. I've been swiping snooze when my alarms go off and generally trying to stay asleep when I'm obviously not and clocking in around nineish after taking one of the interesting routes in even though it can take up to twice the time, especially when there are roadworks blocking the last mile. There seems to be a sudden timeslip between quarter to eight (when I want to leave) and half past eight (when I usually end up leaving), an interval which seems to contain much less time than the similar interval between seven (when I've been delaying getting up until) and a quarter to eight (when I'm ostensibly ready to leave, give or take a bag of sandwiches). A quarter to eight is announced by the clicking of the electricity meter in the porch switching over to daytime rate (it'll do the same thing but the other way round in a quarter of an hour) and it is a small aim to be out of the house with a couple of minutes of this happening, if only to make the clocks-changing jump at the weekend less severe. I usually try to at least be trying to get to sleep by the time I hear the 23:45 click and shall therefore stop typing now.

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