Trixie's Adventures

By TrixieTheCollie

102 subscribers & 1 naughty collie

Well, I now have 102 subscribers to my 'Molly the gorgeous collie blip'. Well done to captainbanks for being my 100th subscriber and thank you to all my other subscribers, facebook fans and other followers. I still can't believe that so many people are interested in my daily adventures.

Unfortunately my life today has been one long series of naughty activities. On my morning walk I went ballistic at the biffa truck. It actually dared to drive down the road past me.

It was very hot and sunny today so Ann decided to paint the sun terrace walls. I had to stay indoors because she didn't want me to get paint on my fur. However she had to come in to answer the phone so I took the opportunity to sneak out. I plonked myself down by the bit of wall that she'd painted and got white paint all over my black fur.

Then Ann said I could have an 'extra' walk because she wanted to nip to the shop. Usually I sit very nicely tied up outside the shop but today I spotted a cat so as soon as Ann untied me I shot off after it into the garden next to the shop. I couldn't catch the cat, nor could I get out of the garden the way I got in so I had to squeeze myself through a hedge and ended up with loads of bits of bush stuck to my fur.

Next I spotted the postie. I despise the postie so I barked at him. Fortunately he was a nice postie (at least Ann said he was) so he just laughed at me.

This afternoon we went to B&Q to buy some blue decking paint (Ann says I'm going to be shut in the kitchen when she uses that), then I went to Long Rock beach to play with my ball. .............Except I wasn't very interested in playing with my ball today - I did lots of wallowing in rock pools though so I'm a bit stinky now.

Ann says she can't believe how naughty I've been today. Normally I'm such a good little collie dog.

However, it's still very sunny on the freshly painted sun terrace so Ann's going to have a glass of wine to celebrate me having more than 100 subscribers and as the paint is now dry I'm allowed back out to play too.

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