michigan man

By outdoorguy

New babies

Spring brings a lot of new things, among them buds on the trees, and new babies being born.
The local paper (the Bradenton Herald), ran a front page picture of 2 parents and 2 new chicks. The new sandhill cranes were hatched on March 13 , which make them 12 days old today.
They stayed real close to mom and dad. The parents were digging pretty deep holes in the earth looking for buggy type stuff. The babies could'nt do the digging themselves, but when mom or dad was getting near paydirt....the little ones would scamper over and look for a handout.
It makes you wonder how long it will be before they can fly or go off on their own. I guess I need to do a little more research. Google...here I come.
Later in the day, I was looking for an eagles nest, and found another pair of cranes. They did'nt have any young ones, but they let me get within 6-8 feet of them, and were doing that awful beautiful sound they are known for.

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