Trixie's Adventures

By TrixieTheCollie

The Firehouse

I went to the 'Firehouse' tonight with my owners friends, Jan & Helga. I was on my best behaviour, lying under the table ...................... until Ann went up to the bar to get another bottle of wine. Well, one bottle is never enough for her?!!

I jumped up onto the seat next to Helga. Then the barmaid came and told me to get down. Ann was cross with me. She says that collie dogs should be seen and not heard.

Ann says that if I can't behave myself she won't take me to the pub again. Apparently at my age (I'll be 7 in the summer) I should know not to go on the pub furniture. Jan & Helga thought it was cute though, so they didn't tell me to get down.

Cute? - Ann says that this is the type of behaviour that will ban dogs from pubs altogether. And I don't want to be banned. I love going to the pub. And I do know how to behave ................... really I do!

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