While on my runs

By waipushrink

Seven years old is a great age to be

This week's challenge has been planning. All week I have planned a different approach to interpreting this, and each day life has had its way with my plans and dumped them. I thought about the plans we have had and are implementing for the repair/renovation at the beach house, and took some pictures yesterday only to prefer the mural. On Wednesday, I found a great cartoon about "political planning" (almost an oxymoron) and on Thursday when I had an excellent image of the cartoon, I liked my shot of the moon, so again planning came to naught.

Today was the eldest grandboy's birthday party. Seven years old last Monday. His birth that long time ago was a life changing event for both his mother and his grandparents, and one that no one who knows Mr H would be without. At 7, he is finding himself and developing confidence (slowly, slowly). I have a nice (family album style) picture of him in sunnies, helmet and earnestly riding his new mountain bike, on the footpath!

However, this one does it all for me. Like every about 7 year old I know, Mr H is preoccupied with swords and dragons and castles and (behind all the mayhem) honour and integrity. His wonderful mother planned this fantastic birthday cake, and then executed it with style. Despite her anxieties, this is a triumph of planning into execution that impressed a whole bundle of about seven years old boys, not the most easily impressed members of the human race!

Consistent with most of my attempts to plan my life efficiently, the week has shown the typical last minute nature of my life. My entry in the week's challenge is produced with only hours (in NZ anyway) to go.

And as a last comment, this was one of the happiest and least stressful children's parties I have been at. A wonderful afternoon.

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