It just sort of clicked.

By shaunm

A friend in need.

Little Shaun seems to have found a friend (turned up the other day out of the blue!)... big shaun could do with a friend right now... really long and awful day today. So, sorry I haven't replied to any comments today.

My day started off early and was ok... a really annoyingly frustrating time at the end of work... after calming down later on it actually seemed rather amusing, until I realised just now that it's resulted in me losing my iPod touch somewhere between the ice rink and home. Even after one of the other coaches handed it to me so I didn't lose it... yet I still managed to somehow. I can only hope that some kind person handed it into security/lost property... unless I dropped it by my car, in which case I'll never see it again.

Got skating tests tomorrow morning... hope our skaters do well... heard some horror stories about the judge though (even though we aren't supposed to know who it is... the organiser still wrote it on the noticeboard... nice one)... have heard some other stories that they are fair but strict... which will be ok, it's strict and unfair/grumpy thats horrible.

ok I'll stop moaning now... sorry about that... I know there are far worse things going on in the world right now.. but sometimes things just drag you down.

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