jeni and the beans

By themessymama

red balloon day!

Wahoo I made it :D Without forgetting and without missing it!! Hehe. That makes me smile. What also makes me smile is that I finally managed to convince Ben to come outside and play with the balloon because he was having none of it!

200 .... 100

Ben is growing up again. This morning as per usual on a Monday he went to preschool. He wasn't particularly keen, but didn't cry, and only wanted a cuddle from me rather than clinging like a limpet. He knows the drill - he knows to find his name card and stick it on his blue flower, and then usually we find his keyworker and she takes him off me. However she was away on a course today - I thought that would spell meltdown for Benj but no, I said I'd stay a little while but I needed to go to work, and we went over to find some new toys, and he was very happy! I gave his diary sheets to one of the girls and said they'd be useful if he started crying, and went over to find Ben to tell him I was going to go now and could I have a kiss. He immediately got up and I thought he was coming to pull me down and tell me I couldn't go but he lifted his face up for a kiss and said 'bye instead!!! Astounded!! Good lad. Growing up, settling in, doesn't mind the place too much now. I feel so much better about all that.

I managed to get all the laundry out on the line this morning. In an effort to make it more interesting (with no thought for a blip, honest guv'nor) I decided to sort it out by colour rather than owner. Have a bit of a rainbow in the garden, but without the rain. I think it looks rather pleasing.... I really could have done with a cup of tea this morning but so far I've made two: one has been in the microwave twice so far, and I still didn't finish it; and the other got made, brewed into treacle, and hasn't been drunk on account of being too strong.

And when Ben was finally persuaded out into the garden he wanted to play in his sandpit! Oh no :( So I investigated it, shook out the spiders, knocked all the snails out of the spades and rakes, tipped out a bowlful of water and fleas, and despaired at the number of very small moving critters in the sandpit. It is now known as the fleapit, until I can boil all the fleas the next time we have a hot sunny day. Sigh...

And now he is asleep and I am marvelling at the fact that I've managed to keep a daily journal for 300 days in a row. Complete with an image. Diary keeping was never a strong point of mine. I think it's because there are people reading and commenting and interacting which makes me carry on. Even when I go through a patch of being seriously rubbish at commenting, I look at lots of journal entries from all sorts of people and it inspires me through the exhaustion of daily life.

Joe, I bet you had no idea when you started your blip all those years ago!

I had no idea when I started with "L" plates that I'd make it to ten, let alone 300. It's not a full year yet, but it's not far away. And all these memories that I can read back through and remind myself what happened. For that, I'm grateful. Because my memory is rubbish!

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