Hadeda Ibis

Spotted on the rooftop, this chick and Mom taking a rest.
However the chick kept on making a low intensity vibration noise, begging it's mom for another morsel.

* Monogamous, solitary nester, probably with a life-long pair bond.
* The nest is probably built solely by the female in less than two weeks, rarely up to a month, consisting of a platform of sticks with a central bowl lined with grass, lichen, weeds, leaves and other debris. It is typically placed in the fork of a horizontal branch, or occasionally on another structure such a cliff, dam wall, telephone pole or pergola.
* Egg-laying season is from June-March, peaking from September-November.
* It lays 1-5 eggs, which are incubated by both sexes for about 25-28 days in shifts up to three hours.
* The chicks are fed by both parents by regurgitation and brooded constantly for the first week and less frequently thereafter. The chick leaves the nest at about 33-40 days old, becoming fully independent at roughly 60 days old.

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