Jess & Molly Law

By jml

What's going on?

My neice came to visit today. She has two Beardies, which were back-blipped once before, when Jess was very young. Today, however, she left the Sophie & Daisy behind, and came with her two children instead.

I was surprised that Jess & Molly suddenly became very shy. They stayed out of the way all the time that our visitors were here. This is the only photograph we got today which shows Hugo & Eva along with one of the dogs.

Molly had made herself at home in our bedroom. The children, of course, wanted to explore the house. As we came into the bedroom, Molly at first jumped up on the bed in order to get as far away as possible. But her curiosity soon overcame her. When we opened the French windows in order to wave at Mrs jml & my neice below. Molly had to join us to see what was up.

(In the large version, you can see that Hugo's jacket is covered with a 'Beardie' design.)

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