No time to waste?

By jt

Side entrance

This is a side entrance to McCheyne Memorial church - see here for the main spire. I did get a nice shot of two very contrasting smaller spires on the building, one in a French Renaissance style and the other in a baroque/gothicy style. But Jem chose this one, because it's pink.

The church was built in 1870 - although it was known as McCheyne Memorial, or St Peter's McCheyne, it was not where the famous Robert Murray McCheyne was minister - he was in St Peter's which seceded to the Free Church, so the Church of Scotland tried to appropriate his name! Sadly the building, very large and impressive on the outside at least, has been empty for a number of years now, and has been for sale for quite a few. There's a lot of very beautiful sandstone detailing on the exterior, much of which is in a poor state simply due to age. Our local stone is very beautiful, but sadly doesn't stand up to the weather so well....

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