
By nameiwantstaken


The RSPB has recently launched it biggest, most important campaign- Step up 2020.

"Nature is in big trouble, and the need for us to step up and help has never been more urgent. The UK has committed to meet a set of ambitious goals by 2020 - to stop biodiversity loss and reverse its decline. That means doing more to help the millions of other species with which we share this planet. Think big

The UK's failure to meet the 2010 target to halt biodiversity loss has taught us some hard lessons - it should now be clear to everyone that meeting these goals means beginning now, thinking big, and that everyone has to take responsibility.

This time, we cannot afford to fail. But this is also an exciting time. Our self-labelled 'greenest government ever' has the opportunity to lead the world in solving the problem of creating a healthy economy while revitalising the natural environment. Getting this right will benefit us all."


For more on the campaign follow this link to the Step up 2020 site

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