Brian's Bits

By Kanyl

Hi tiddly Eye-tie.

(Punch line to a kiddywink joke I have no intentions of repeating on air.)

How can you be politically incorrect and NOT intend to give offence?
I do not know, but I couldn't resist trying.

Down to Barton Grange Garden Centre again. (It's often worth it just for the food.)
I had the choice of four shots today. I can't "Flickr"© the other three for fear they get taken and used later. This being the only one I CAN positively guarantee will not be there next visit.

In the eatery we were informed that April will have an Italian theme, even down to their intention to have Italian items on the menu.

We spotted this flag on the way out, after passing through the veg section of the farm shop and I was struck (Stricken) by the work which had gone into not only choosing Peppers of such symmetry but arranging them orientated about the same axes.

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