
By SueScape

Honey Wagon

This is a photo journal, right? A photo a day of whatever is going on in my life?
Ok. Living in the country brings certains charms, it's true, and today there is a definite rustic aura around the place.
We had our septic tank emptied. 1000 gallons. The handy bucket hanging on the back for emergencies was no good at all.

In Hong Kong they call them Honey Wagons, and they are a whole lot more primitive than this one. They don't even have a bucket.

Apologies to all those of you who have outgrown toilet humour ....
I obviously still have a way to go:)

In the mood now?

Signs seen on the back of Septic Tank Service wagons:

Thanks for flushing our business down your drain

Caution - stool bus

You dump it .... we pump it

You s**t it ..... we get it

We haul milk on the weekends

Your number 2 is our number 1

Another load of politicians promises

We're No 1 in the No 2 business

and my personal favourite ....

A flush beats a full house

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