horns of wilmington's cow

By anth

Geek Chic

No, I didn't put 'Jedi' on my census form. Mel wouldn't let me. Remember kids, Han shot first...

NewJob HR have moved slowly - start date delayed by a week. Which is good and bad news. I can have a week after finishing OldJob where I don't have to worry about going back and knowing there are things waiting for me; with a week before NewJob and not having anything to do other than turn up for a new start - which means I've got some cycling and walking and birding and photography and writing and (rashly promised) gardening penciled in.

But. Because I don't start till after the 8th I won't get my first pay packet till around the 20th of May (which is slightly annoying given I had to take out a 'group company' bank account to have my salary paid into - they need 12 days to marry up payd etails and an account within the same group????). All of which means that my redundancy, minus paying for the lens bought in the middle of the month, is a little less than half a month's pay, so I'm going to have to cool it on the spending, and then any shortfall will come out of the first salary, being a month and a half in May. Which probably means my redundancy money won't really amount to much - I know how these things work for me.

Also means that, with Mel's brithday at the end of May I have something like 4 days from being paid to sort out her present. Argh!

Ah well. Still, can look forward to the week off. Truly 'off'. Every cloud and all that. Which is just as well cos I'm still rather unhappy at finding out the remaining people here are all getting pay rises, and they couldn't wait until the rest of the redundant staff had left before issuing those...

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