Deja vu

Hmmm. Trees, snow, light. Where have I seen that before? It's about all I can muster this week but looking back at them, I'll remember it as the week that I walked the woods twice a day and enjoyed it tremendously.

On the morning walk the woods were lined with enough crunchy snow to provide good tread. On the evening walk the forest floor had turned to something reminiscent of a blended cocktail. Coming down one hill I just decided to stop trying so hard not to fall; I threw and kept my weight forward, bent my knees and did a perfect slide all the way down with the dogs pulling me slightly. Elated at my fabulous ski move I only noticed a bit later that I had dozens of cocklebur type pods stuck to my pants and coat, acquired at the bottom of my Olympic ski run.

You can't imagine what a game of musical animals it is around here. In the interest of keeping the dogs and my cat apart (because the Plotthound will kill her, bunny-killer that he is) it's a constant routine of shuttling them and their pillows around and closing doors so she can visit her normal spots throughout the house. Through it all, my two teeny rubber house guests are begging to be shown around some more and I will, soon.

I've come up with an idea for a smartphone app I'll create using AppInventor, software so easy that even I can do it. It involves bedtime for little kids, that's all I'll say but if I can figure out the structure and if it works, it'll be great fun.

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