Francisco, Chief of Works

Here's the man in whom we placed so much trust in the complete renovation of our flat here in Rio. The work went fantistically well once he was on site everyday, and the level of finish is first class. Everything he did was done with love and care and he wouldn't leave it until it was perfect. And we were very proud when either of us came up with the brightest idea so far! Many thanks, Francisco!

I've also put in my Blipfolio a lovely shot of Marcos who helped with the here.

(For my record, I did the first coaching session from our new flat today with Skype up and running and the client 13,000 kms away. It's only three months ago that we decided to make this happen.)

And in the excellent Portuguese of our fellow blipper Fotodiario (who wonderfully offered this translation), for when Francisco he looks in here...

Apresento o homem em que colocamos total confiança no momento de fazer a reforma inteira do nosso apartamento no Rio. A obra foi ótima depois que ele passou a aparecer no local todos os dias e a qualidade do acabamento de primeiro nível. Tudo que ele fez foi feito com amor e carinho, e ele não ia embora até estar perfeito. E ficamos muito orgulhosos quando qualquer um de nós aparecia com a ideia mais brilhante até o momento. Muito obrigado, Francisco!

Também coloco uma boa foto do Marcos que ajudou na obra...cliqe aqui.

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