
By dark

Touch the Light

1. Despite being almost 70° two days ago, it turned exceedingly cold this morning.

2. I don't know if the cold is the reason (probably not), but I've had a headache all day - one of those stupid nagging low-level migraines that won't just come full on and beat you down, but hangs around like some really nasty long-toothed monster that's attached itself to the back of your head, and you know it's there, but you can never quite see it, and it keeps you from being able to concentrate on anything.

3. Stopped by Cinefest for a film on my way home from work - Wristcutters - which was a pleasant little indie comedy about an afterlife where no one can ever smile, but things are otherwise pretty much like here, just worse. How could you not like a film that casts Tom Waits as an angel? :-)

4. Exiting the theatre, I was greeted by a gorgeous sunset.

5. In the end, though, I liked my little branch up there the best. Something about the light, I guess.

6. Hope you all had a Happy V-Day. I'm going to go curl up on the couch now, and hope this headache goes away.


P.S. - Read this.

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