The Days are just Filled...

I've found that the best way to fill a day is just to slow it right down.

We didn't do a huge amount of things but today but the day felt full to the gunnels because we just sauntered about with a loose list of things to do.

Do a train journey....Check.
Get griptape for new skateboard....Check
Post watch off to manufacturers.....Check
Visit the marble and bead shop....Check
Spend a wee 20 minute convivial saunter with Mr Bremner....Additional Check
Drop in on the comic shop and pick up some more Batman....Additional Check
Pick up all manner of treasures on the walk back from the station....Check

All in all, a great wee day out which was bettered more so by a complete lack of urgency.


Notes on the Picture...
Can anyone guess the location of the photo? Stewart is not allowed to answer as he was stood next to me when I took it.

I daresay the MAGNIFICATOR-O-MATIC may help.

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