
These two are great mates. On the right is The Hunter. That's slightly confusing as the guy on the left is also a hunter.

We're at the end of hunt, my first pig hunt. I don't have a hunting background and didn't know what to expect. I was impressed. These guys have a deep respect for the land, their dogs, safety and the pigs they hunt.

I expected blood and guts, and lots of squeamish sounds, maybe even things a bit brutal. It wasn't. I expected I'd do it once and never again, but I'd go again.

They take what they need, they share it with family and friends and provide for people in their community with little income. I think that's pretty special.


I've had a great weekend. Plenty of relaxing, a lovely leisurely run in the country, fantastic meals, kindness, generosity and unlike back in town, no quakes.

Back blip Friday - Registry raid

Back blip Saturday - A man and his horse

Better go and sort my act for the start of a new working week.

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