
By edisteve

Huly Hill, Newbridge, Edinburgh

Another lovely day here today, so had a quick jaunt to to blip Huly hill, which is a prehistoric site on the outskirts of Edinburgh.

Here is the history bit:

The three standing stones at Huly Hill, actually a tumulus or burial mound, may have formed part of a stone circle or rings of stones around the burial cairn. The three stones reach heights of 2.10m, 2.00m and 1.20m and are comprised of greenstone. There were 12 stones standing in the late 18th Century. The tumulus is not central to these stones and it has been suggested that there may have been two rings of upright stones surrounding the earth mound. A fourth stone, possibly connected to this complex, can be found 300m away in the industrial estate across the motorway. The bronze age burial cairn, now surrounded by a modern stone wall is around 30m in diameter and bronze artefacts were discovered at the site.

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