Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat

New bathroom walls

My flat is currently in a state of chaos. We've had the plasterers in today so everything from the bathroom is in the study. It's been noisy, it's been dust and it's all happening again tomorrow. That's then not the end of it, the plaster needs to dry, be primed, under coat and then two top coats before everything can go back in to the bathroom. There's currently a layer of plaster dust all across the house.

In the end, what I thought would be a simple skimming of plaster turned in to needing a whole wall replaced. The plasterboard was riddled with cracks and was just falling apart, if they'd skimmed it, it would need redone again in a year or so.

In the evening I took advantage of the shower being out of action to blitz the grout with mold remover. The silicon however will need replaced.

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