
By SueScape

Blowin' in the Wind

Today it's extremely windy, too windy for close ups, so I decided to make use of the conditions and show the eucalyptus blowin' in the wind.

Set me thinking. 'The answer my friend, is blowin' in the wind': Did Dylan mean - the answer is under your nose? Or did he mean the answer is as ephemeral as the wind? Possibly and probably he didn't mean anything at all, it was just a phrase he came up with. It certainly struck a chord with people at the time.

Later another line from the song became famous in Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy. A group of hyper-intelligent beings built a computer, the originally named Deep Thought, to find the Ultimate Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, The Universe, and Everything. The Answer was, as we all know, 42. But what was the question? Deep Thought cannot say, but helps to design a super computer that can - and the name of that supercomputer is the Earth. Many millions of years later and in the absence of a processed answer [due to many and complex plot twists] the mice who are running the Earth by then decide to settle for a question that was, well, blowin' in the wind. It was: How Many Roads Must a Man Walk Down.

There is yet another line worthy of note: 'How many deaths will it take till he knows/ that too many people have died'. I could wish that our world leaders get out in the wind today, let it blow away the cobwebs and give them chance to let the answer in. In spite of the Hitch Hikers Guide, it is not rocket science.

[see what happens when I can't do blossom :)) ]

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