
By SomeGuyInNJ

Dats Wight itsa Wet Wabbit

Well he was wet earlier when he was hiding under the conifers. Its stopped raining and its pretty windy so he's got blow dried quite well...

I'd already picked the title for the blip when he was still wet under the tree but I got a better shot when he'd been out and dried off, so I kept the title and used the new shot.

Its good to start getting critter shots now the snow is gone, or at least comes and goes fast... none of this staying on the ground for a month stuff.

Miserable rainy day on the whole... Ive spent most of it with a sick little monster either asleep on me or lying on me watching Sesame Street. The ear tubes have stopped the ear infections but she now has some sort of (laryn/pharyn)gitis. Woke from her nap yesterday with a temp of 104.5... straight down to the doctors... ah well... sick happens I guess... Hopefully I'll be able to get out this week and get some shots that arent through a kitchen window... its amazing how little of the local scenic spots we actually know... having a 8 month old when we moved here and then another child about 18m later meant we havent really had opportunity to explore much off the tarmacked path... time to get off road and find some more waterfalls me thinks...

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