Take off

The gas supply is off. It is dinner time. Food is half-cooked. The mechanic says his duty for the day is over. The person in charge is not taking calls. His boss, a retired army Major does, and helps out. Not before much exasperation. Yes, it is a lapse and it pushes dinner back to an unhealthy hour. Politeness and apology attempt to make up for poor service. It works because it's the first time.

A list of pending tasks pile up even before the day begins. I take a couple of quick shots before coffee. The call gets postponed, but I have my answers. Some of the expenses are staggering. I observe a mild shift in thought. A hint of emotion seeping in and altering the underlying platform. Everything changes, just a little. Nothing really is at it seems. There are gaps between sentences, between phrases, words, syllables and even letters. We could again be that young kid observing everything anew, eyes wide from wonder, because it's we who have shifted.

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