Day Of The Diva

By Katherineellis

Goodbye Simone, hello Bali!!!

It was wonderful to see Simone, as I said yesterday she is my oldest friend, we met when she was 12 and I was 14 :-) We stayed up chatting over a few glasses of wine last night, lovely! She lives in Wales at the moment so we don't see each other nearly enough!
Her eyes looked incredible in the sun but i don't seem to have captured the colour!
Today we are going to BALI!!!!!! Max, the boys and I are off on a 3 week adventure together, diving, staying in the jungle, also in a mangrove swamp and on a cliff top as well, don't know what to expect in terms of internet for the first couple of weeks so blipping may be sporadic but i will be back blipping as i can't bear the thought of a gap in my journal!!
Help I am not packed!!!!!!!

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