A Year Through My Eyes

By egbaldwin

Bleeding Heart

Day 96
Today was a stunningly beautiful day, a day where I looked forward to having kids screaming at me and each other whilst playing tag rugby. Today was most definitly a shorts and t shirt day! However, when I got home, the sun had gotten the better of me, despite the fact I had drunk 3+ litres......dehydration kicked in and I was in bed by half 4.

When I eventually woke up, I was lucky enough for there to still be some light and for this I am grateful as I managed to spend the last bit of light sitting on the patio. Whilst spaniel number 1 was digging behind one of the pots, I suddenly realised that my bleeding hearts have started to bloom again......I have to admit I was probably more concerned that where the spaniel was digging would result in a frog of some description.....if that were the case this blip would not have been taken as I would have been in the house in a shot!

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