Jeff Greene's Daily Photo

By JeffGreene

Canon Speedlite Workshop - Columbus, OH

A Behind-The-Scenes look from last week's Sunday Speedlite Creativity workshop in Columbus, OH.

This set-up was designed to show the versatility of the Canon Speedlite system. Four Speedlites were used and fired remotely allowing each student to individually control the light in whatever way they best suited their creativity - and without affecting their neighbor's exposure....

Two Speedlites were placed in Westcott BDS softboxes and set to Group A (left) and Group B (right). Two more were set on Group C. One as a hairlight through a Honl 1/4 Spot Grid, and a second fixed with a Rosco #44 magenta gel and pointed to the wall.

The resulting portrait of Ashley, unretouched can be seen here.

To see if the workshop is coming to a city near you, check out the Canon EOS Immersion Seminar & Workshop website.

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