
By CleanSteve

Dandelion profusion

I've enjoyed this gloriously sunny day, going to town this morning to have an haircut. I then went to the nearby Painswick valley to meet John at his house, to discuss his new project. I might be able to help in a small way which will be very enlightening.

We had tea in the garden outside his workshop, whilst sitting on the low wall of his pond, overlooking the farmland and wooded slopes which are looking so pretty as the leaves and flowers develop and the grass meadows look so verdant.

In the pond were thousands of tadpoles, some of which nearly made my blip, as they thronged and intermingled at the pond's edge where the most food seemed to be. They did look interesting, but the detail was a bit small to really show their shape and wriggling form.

On the way back up their track to the main road, I was amazed by this field of rye grass, which is also a paradise of dandelions too. You might just be able to see a few of the crows that were feeding avidly on the ground. I thought we have a few too many dandelions in our garden, when I walked around it yesterday, but I can see we only have a minor infestation. I love the colour of dandelion flowers and the remarkable shape of their seed heads, but they are a menace when left to spread on their wings at will.

John's house can be seen nestling beside their wood where the slope increases. They live in a wonderful setting, with views for miles across to Painswick and the fields and woods on the hillsides beyond.

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