
By Camillanne


Feels like I've done quite a lot today and in the sun again (:

My older brother came round for a bit with my niece Megan after they had been to gym club up the road, They weren't here for long though as she was all sleepy and wanted to go home, bless. I will have to try get a picture of her one day for Blip.

Then Dan came to pick me up and we decided to go to the nearest Beach for the day, though they have been doing loads of building work for the 2012 Olympics with new roads, hills and bridges so we ended up getting a little lost on the way in and being on the opposite end of the town than normal and driving along the seafront.
I didn't get many photos but It gave me a nice chance to do some drawing in the personal sketchbook whilst we were slowly creeping along.
Of course we had a kfc, since It's also the nearest one to where we live (I'm glad that Dan doesn't skip college anymore to drive there for lunch now he has a proper job)

And the seagulls reminded me of being back in Falmouth :D

When we got home watched a few films, one of which being Drive Angry because one of the main characters; Amber Heard in it was on Top Gear and she was fit being the reason it got downloaded. We managed to watch the whole film even thought it was very random and kinda stupid low budget film even though it had Nicolas Cage in it, followed by an early night.

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