Lady La La

By LadyLaLa


Some washing up liquid, some plastic, a slide and some water.
Some pimms & lemonade to watch with from the sidelines
Happy Days

Please feel free to skip this long boring bit
I don't feel the need to justify myself or my blips, it is obvious that some of them have offended some of you. My Dad gave me some great advice, never try to please all of the people all of the time, it's impossible. I've never tried to please anyone to be honest, those who know me love me for who I am.

I don't take myself too seriously, those who have followed my journal will have seen me in false beards, wigs and only yesterday at the hairdressers. I like tongue in cheek, and laughing at myself.

I don't believe I have a middle class holier than thou attitude. I have taken a series of street scenes, they have included some people who are overweight. They've also included traffic wardens, a group of youths smoking joints, old ladies etc.

If you're offended, apologies. I respect your point of view, and the time you have taken to write it down. But, (there's always a but isn't there) I take an absolute dog shit awful picture of a flower and I've got no pets.

Have a lovely Sunday, everyone, I'm off back to my Pimms.

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