Penguin Droppings

By gen2

Eastern osprey

Eastern osprey, (Pandion cristatus) aka (Pandion haliaetus)

What an exciting day it has been. I discovered that a pair of ospreys were nesting in the top of a Norfolk pine tree visible from the holiday accommodation we are staying in at Caloundra, QLD.

I managed pictures of the heads of both birds side by side in the nest, of one on a branch beside the nest, and of one balancing on the highest point of a neighbouring tree (my published blip). I also managed to get one in flight.

Another point of interest was when another pair of osprey flew overhead and the pair gave warning calls to keep away.

When I first saw these birds, I thought they were white-bellied sea-eagles but soon revised that to the correct ID of Eastern Osprey.

I only hope the rest of the week is as exciting as the start has been.

More pictures of these osprey can be seen
on my Flickr site.

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