All that is beautiful

By sharob

Alfie Cat

Meet Alfie Cat ... He's actually just Alfie but I like Alfie Cat! ;)

Alfie was one of two strays taken in by Mum when she lived in the pub. Unfortunately Alfie Cats brother was killed, Alfie Cat was clearly very upset and we think he got kitty depression.

Alfie Cat was always my favourite because he's really difficult to get along with, but he's my friend! Mum is on holiday this week so we've been asked to keep an eye on the cat, on Saturday Mr G came over on his own, phoned me in a panic as the cat had been left out and was just hissing everytime he got close. We left the back door open all night so when we came in this morning, Alfie had tucked himself away upstairs so we could shut him in. Generally, as he's older, he's more an indoor cat anyway. So we carried on to work where Mr G decided to let me know that he had to go to a meeting in the afternoon. In London. Great! We live 40 minutes from work and I don't drive! So I picked the girls up from nursery (work, nursery and Mums are within walking distance) we went to the shop to get snacks and lunch stuff for tomorrow, Clara fell over and re-grazed her knee, again!

Anyway, so Alfie Cat was already indoors, he meowed to go out earlier and although I was nervous, I let him out and he came back within the hour! And now, he's laying next to me, keeping me warm, purring away ... He makes me miss my cat. That's a long story ... Another blip.

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