As Told By Ginger

By 9to12


So I took my marvelous camera on a lovely stroll about the local educational building with my acquaintance, Brendan, and as we ponced around, I noticed this intriguing architectural element. I just had to take a picture of it and post it on that silly 'Blipfoto' website because I'm clearly a fantastic artist and I know that everybody cares about my photography. So we spent hours disrupting the lives of "hard-working passerby", capturing exquisite photos of this staircase. That's all we blippers do, "...ponce around the city, cameras hanging round our middle class necks."

Now, onto my day...

Me and Allison played "Deathzone" for the first time today in orchestra. For one practice, it sounds pretty good. Danny, Timmy, and Pat came to lunch today... I had a Class of 2014 meeting and Mrs. A gave me Atlas Shrugged. I mentioned that I was working my way up to it by reading The Fountainhead first, and she told me I could have her copy of Atlas Shrugged. It was very thoughtful of her and it saved me $26. The sprinting boys got yelled at today. They didn't go on the two mile run like they were supposed to so Frazer got really mad and I don't blame her. She spends all of her time making workouts that will make us faster and these kids have the nerve to disregard them and slack off. I'm not saying that I've never slacked, but I certainly do it less than them, especially considering they didn't do a two mile run. It's really upsetting because right before we all left for our runs, Frazer talked to us about how her friend that she used to coach passed away recently and we should never take for granted our ability to run and be part of a team. Oh well, kids will be kids. I had a great time at tennis with Hayley, Brittney, and the new kid...I think his name is Manuel. Only two more days until spring break!

In honor of Andrew Hoyle's article, Ponce - An individual who attempts to fake having intelligence, class, or culture. e.g. "I knew he was a bit of a ponce, but what's with the monocle?"

Word of the Day: Praxis - Practice, as distinguished from theory; application or use, as of knowledge or skills

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