Christian Pedersen

By ChrisP

Put your pants back on; we're going home

Lykke Li - "Little Bit"

So, I wrote this piece already over the course of a few days. There was a steady but obvious shift in my mood and outlook; so much has changed since I started it and then my browser crashed... It's kind of a bummer since I really covered a lot and it just fell together really well. I really wouldn't know how to write it again, so here's version 2.0

The one constant in my life is that my love life is a complete mess, no matter what my relationship status is. My trip to Greece definitely forced me to think about that, more than usual. Mostly it was pretty healthy and normal if not totally successful. There was one lost opportunity, which really crushed me. At that point I decided to go after something ephemeral and easy. It was fun, but ultimately made me feel worse. And then all of a sudden I'm seeing someone.

I'm not in the third grade so I'm not gonna put a label on it, but even if I was I don't think I could. It's an odd situation for a number of reasons and out of nowhere it escalated into this "thing." We both have some doubts. We're both hopeless romantics, a little retarded when it comes to relationships and ever-so-slightly emotionally unstable; so we're just being excruciatingly honest with each other as we test the water. Right now, I'm happy.

I dunno if I even like this shot, but it's a double exposure and on El. Benizelos Avenue. I'm not totally excited about some of these. I do have bags and bags of film to develop. I might start tonight.

Kiev 88cm
Arsat C 80mm
Lucky SHD 100 @400
Rodinal 1:100 stand 60min

posted 16/04/2011
from Benbecula, UK

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