
By jenniferfisher

Distinctly Average Day

I hate Tuesdays. (Both a fact and a quote from my family's favourite movie).
School on a Tuesday is always the longest day because I have double History and that's most definitely the worst lesson of the week. Had a cheeky nap as soon as I got home today.
Maggie (the cook) guilt tripped me into having soup for dinner. She always does these puppy eyes and says "...but I made it just for you!", so even though I really wanted pasta, I had some soup so as not to be rude! It was alright, a bit watery.

Then headed out to the Water of Leith again and wandered alone for a while until Megan came and joined me. We had a lovely chat and meandered along the water with our cameras, it got a bit dark though so there weren't many blipportunities.

I said this yesterday but to emphasise, I am soo looking forward to going home on Thursday

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