Clark Tales

By cclark

The Enormous Crane

This picture does this crane NO justice. Its humongous and is also in view from my parents front garden. It has been transported here by the chinese to help build the Queen Elizabeth aircraft carrier. My Dad served his country in the Navy for 25 years hence living in view of this. It is astonishing as how big it really is, the ship is gonna be immense and is helping the local economy as well. I have been meaning to blip this for a while but this still does not show the full scale.

Today has been a brilliant day weather wise, even if it has been looking misty over the forth all day, its just been so so so warm. Hung out with HEC and baby Lily again and when Olivia got home from Nursery we just sunbathed in the garden while she played.

Tonight was dinner at the parents, then off to the pub to watch such a tight game between Man Utd and Newcastle.

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