In Between Days

By jase

Lunch Outside

This was taken at lunchtime from where I ate my lunch with colleague, friend and fellow blipper Deep. There is a patch of grass just outside our building and when the sun is shining it is a much better alternative to the kitchen. I work on the top floor of the building in the photograph but on the opposite side. I usually leave via the entrance at the bottom of the big bay windows. This is next to the staff gym which is on the ground floor.

There was an almighty smash of glass today which we all heard from our desks. Someone on that top floor, several doors down from me, opened their window which simply fell four floors to the ground. No one was hurt so we can laugh about it and reflect upon crumbling NHS buildings. Also, being an IT department there is a joke in there somewhere about Windows crashing.

Early posting! Woo hoo!

Here's hoping the sun keeps shining all weekend!

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