
By wingpig

flying blind

My apologies if this looks odd. The red channel has gone on my monitor so I can't properly see the image to edit it. I tried to get it across to my phone but it seems to be stuck in a cycle of booting up and shutting down and isn't much help. Knew I should have stuck with Nokia.

Anyway, there have been a few mood-related postings recently so here's mine. Despite the large amount of complaining and whining I do and the apparent impression I seem to have given I'm usually at about this sort of level of glass-relative-content, depending on the amount of niceness and outside I've had recently. I usually just moan at the few remaining things stopping the world from being a fine and happy place (hence the LOATHES section in my profile) which are all the more noticeable for being flies in the ointment. Their annoyance often arises at precisely the wrong moment too; it's not uncommon to have a perfectly pleasant trundle round the hill on a weekend morning only to have the whole thing bollocksed up on Holyrood Park Road by some Drizaboned oaf waddling along barking into a portable telephone. Similarly I have to take great care when returning from bicycle rides to not go near any beemers in case they do something which makes me despair for the future of humanity. A lunchtime walk along the river can so easily be spoiled by catching sound of the construction workers making a mess of the riverbank opposite the galleries swearing at each other. Still, there are plenty of occasions where everything works, nothing annoys me and I can spend the rest of the day not feeling cheated.

It concerns me sometimes that almost everything which annoys me is people and that they've been annoying me since I can remember. I rationalise this by considering that it would be pretty damn hard for a tree to annoy me or for an orang-utan to bum me out. I similarly try my very very best to not be the sort of person that annoys me: I don't cycle on the pavement, walk at the edge of the path if someone's approaching who might want to overtake, speak quietly in quiet places, drive (when I absolutely have to ) REALLY REALLY carefully and legally and so on. It's highly likely that absolutely no-one will notice but I think it's worth it if there's another me out there somewhere who would appreciate it.

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