a town called E.

By Eej


Brunch. Flowers on the table, windows open, music, twittering birds, lots and lots of food.
Going to see friends. Been told that boys are cool and girls drool. But not me. *phew* Got admitted to the girl club with a sticker on my hand. More food. Oh, kugelis, how you delight me.
Home. Laying about in the grass. Sun. Thanking the Easter Bunny for bringing me not just this one, but LOADS of dandelions.
Getting stung by at least 3 mosquitoes. Ah. I had almost forgotten how that felt.

I could do this all over again tomorrow*, if it wasn't for the fact the US doesn't recognize a second day of Easter (much like they don't have a second Christmas day).

Next weekend, for sure* :)

*not the mosquitoes. Obviously.

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