see see dust

Whilst newcamera would have made a much better job of this (particularly with regard to the tonal range, which was barely improved from the previous attempt despite a doubling of the exposure time) the D80 is now functioning as a stunt camera whilst I decide what to do with it and is thus better-placed to have a bogroll tube wedged into the lens mount and the sensor left open to attract even more dust for several minutes. I did make a camera obscura out of a few shoeboxes and Jiffy bags in 2009 which is still sitting atop Edgar's wardrobe waiting for a combination of WPPD and a camera which wouldn't have loads of distracting sensor-heat artefaction in the corners of the frame after a thirty-minute exposure but although both were available today I forgot what date it was until late this afternoon and so had to rush this off in between ironing the shirts depicted and transporting them to the locker in the changing room in the office as usual for Sunday evenings, except this time it was done without using a rucksack.

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