Nicole's odd life

By oddlife


Ahhhh...another day off :) It's all good.

Well...mostly. I had to go to OHSAS so I can finally start work on the Nurse bank. They decided that they couldn't find my notes (in my maiden name) so decided to take blood to check my immunity to hepB and measles. Woo hoo. I cannot explain the utter lack of joy I have when I know I am having blood taken. I hate getting that done.

Yes, I know it's daft for a nurse to not be thrilled with needles but getting blood taken is much different from stabbing other people in the bum. So I looked away whilst the occupational health nurse stabbed my arm and I sang "oh I've got a lovely bunch of coconuts" since that was the only thing I could think of at that time. Oddly, she believed me when I said I've no history of mental health problems. That done...I shuffled off to get Jim (aka Steven to the rest of the world).

We went to Starbucks where I had one of those funny soya latte thingies with sugar free hazelnut syrup. Bumped into the lovely Darren looking wonderful and rocking a nice quiffy dooooooo. Jim and I chatted about domestic stuff and how we are clearly getting old as we remember 10 years ago when we were off being drunkards.

We then trundled off to the T-mobile shop to convince them to change my name on my account and with that done, Jim and I ventured off Geo-caching.

We tried to find 2, but we couldn't find the log books.... :( this made Jim sad. It was a lovely day though and the Glen is nice.

Jim tends to make comical faces when posing for photos so this one look a while. I rather like it. (P.S. Sorry Jim....I haven't found the bum-fluff removal tool yet....will get on it ASAP)

I did try and phone my work about not being happy about being put on alternating months of nights then days, on opposite shifts and also about wanting Thursday off cause I'm off to Derren Brown!!! (yeeeeeeeyyy) but she's off so I will have to see her tomorrow. Great. Don't you love confrontation in person? Relaxing time now me thinks! Maybe some more "Lion man"....

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