
By Kookyinthelakes

First photo job!

Firstly many thanks to all of you who commented, rated, and favourited my entry yesterday. Your comments made me even more chuffed than finding out that I'm now officially allowed to call myself a cognitive behavioural psychotherapist! So thank you once again.

I'd already taken a few photographs this morning when a call came through from my friend Ben asking me to take a photo for the local newspaper as they didn't have a photographer available today. Ben has recently raised over £600 for Keswick Mountain Rescue Team, and his request was to photo the handover of the money. Of course I said yes, but then the butterflies started, I mean it's one thing to take photos for the love of it, but quite another as an actual job. I took the shot ok, Mountain Travels who incidentally is a member of the Keswick Mountain Rescue Team finished work early so came along to give me a bit of moral support. Let's just wait for next weeks Keswick Reminder for the final result.

On a similar note, Keswick MRT had 5 call outs within 24 hours yesterday, some of them quite serious. Team members give up their time, money, and disrupt family time to attend these rescues on a purely voluntary basis. I'm proud of all of them, and to people like Ben who make the effort to raise money for them.

Now back to todays blip, is it a moth or a butterfly? I saw this little creature in the bark when I got home from the 'shoot'. I waited 10 mins to see if it would open it's wings to no avail. I was surprised by the detail I caught, especially it's eye. As I had butterflies earlier I thought it was apt for today. Phew essay over, will definitely write less tomorrow!

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