Complusive and disorderly

By fruitbat

Egg hunt!

As other members of my family had other commitments yesterday, we had our annual egg hunt this year, complete with barbecue and the kind of roast potatoes that only my lovely Nanny can make.
So, 90 brightly coloured plastic eggs were hidden around my Nan and Grandad's garden (which is a rather large, spectacular garden) and each grandchild had 15 to find (including myself, at nearly 20... Not that I am complaining, it's still great fun).
We spent the whole day all together as a family, as a very loud, very big family and it was wonderful, because I don't get to see them too often because I'm at university now.
I do miss uni now though, it's been three weeks, and that's far too long - I love my folks dearly and everything, but everything my brother does today is winding me up - so I haven't actually spoken to him for the whole day because it'll just turn into an argument, and as per, my dad will tell me to grow up... when it's my brother being an obnoxious gobshite, like most 16 year old boys are I guess - but it doesn't take away the fact that nothing I do is right at the moment is really starting to grate on me, so I am looking forward to having my own space again.

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