Cheers Will and Kate

Thanks to your nuptials and an extra day off work for me it meant I could lurk around in the dark at quarter to eleven shooting pics of space ships again.

That white streak is around 1000 miles long up there.

Actually saw two passes of this tonight, though the first was just after sunset and the camera didn't pick it out at all. This lap wasn't illuminated as long and was lower in the horizon but being up on a bit of a hill meant it's came out better than I thought it would at the time. It was a one-time chance here, 4 minute exposure, standing in the dark and hoping the rustling in the bush in front of me was just one of the local cats.

There's a slim chance that tomorrow night's Endeavour shuttle launch will be visible (slimmer chance it'll be photographable) but it'll pass roughly along the same trajectory as the ISS here, and should be separating from it's main fuel tank as it flies over. Keep your eyes peeled to the south west 20 minutes after its launch (scheduled for 8:47pm BST).

I'll be out scanning the skies, if I'm not too stuffed full of steak pie and champagne from the wedding that is...

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