Jess & Molly Law

By jml

New Coats

Jess & Molly continue to show off their new coats (or lack of them!)

I am finding it hard to distinguish them. When it was only Molly who was cut short, it was, of course, easy. Now, I have to look very closely at the markings, and sometimes I get it wrong. The most distinguishing features are the white patches. Molly's is a full pair of dungarees, covering her legs and chest, right up to her shoulders. Jess, however, only has a pair of wellies, stopping short at her knees.

But if you can't actually see them from the front, it can be difficult to tell them apart. No doubt I will get used to it and in a couple of days I won't have any problems. If in doubt: Jess has the red collar - but that is not always visible either!

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