The Little Lyle Files

By kevinwatters

Royal Flypast!!!!

This is my contribution to the day of Royal Wedding blips.

Having last week spotted one of the many red tunics being prepared while walking down Savile Row, and therefore getting a Royal Wedding photo without a direct link to the event itself, today I give you the Lancaster Bomber from the Battle of Britain flypast for today's Royal Wedding. The thing is that this was not photographed from The Mall, this was taken from my back garden in Bedfordshire.

I know that this is THE Lancaster Bomber because I had just seen the Spitfire and Hurricane fly past a couple of minutes earlier but wasn't convinced that they were part of the same flight due to the absence of the Lancaster. I was busily barbecuing when I heard the thrum from above but didn't have enough time to get to my SLR and had to make do with my trusty compact. The problem was that the brightness of the sky meant that I couldn't see anything on the screen at the back of the camera (that's why a proper viewfinder is so important) so I was just having to point and shoot in the hope of capturing anything. I should have known better as we had the Red Arrows fly directly over our garden twice during the Queen's Golden Jubilee celebrations (she only got it once but we got them out and back) as they are based in Lincolnshire but we were not expecting this, especially as they hadn't gone over earlier.

This is the second of four shots taken, the first of which was a blank sky and this was the second I took. It has been cropped hence poor resolution and amount of noise. The third was not as good as this and the fourth looked distinctly like the one that got away, except it had already done so and was but a mere blur in the distance.

Poor quality or otherwise, this just had to be today's blip.

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